JUST TRIAL AND ERROR: Conversations on Consciousness

JUST TRIAL AND ERROR: Conversations on Consciousness

Director: Alex Gabbay / U.K. 2010

Category: Human Interest / Popular Science / Society

Producer: Alex Gabbay

Language: English.

Length: 65 minutes

Consciousness defies definition. Perhaps no aspect of mind is more familiar or more puzzling than consciousness and our conscious world. ”Just Trial and Error” takes a closer look at what divides and connects us, by exploring consciousness through cognitive and perceptual science, technology and art. Filmmaker Alex Gabbay invites a sculptor, two neuroscientists and a technology entrepreneur to explore the part consciousness plays in their respective fields.

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Festivals & Awards:

Movie Review:
'' The film gives much food for thought. What seems to emerge is a meditation on consciousness in today's society and the overwhelming sense that we need to place greater value on qualitative approaches... Gabbay does a brilliant job by capturing candid personal anecdotes and stunning visuals.'' Sandrine Ceurstemont / Culture Lab
