
Creative Docs

Chinese photographer Weicheng Hua follows Zhighuo Sun, a vagabond who lives in an amusement park, outside Chongqing. Hua’s debut film is an affectionate portrait of a drug-using, possibly psychotic, sensitive, and always cheerful man.

An intimate travelogue that accompanies a man who refuses to accept what is less predictable than the wind and more frightening than the waves – growing old.

Six years of the family’s survival routine is closely documented. This reflective artwork deals with the unbearable gap between dreams and body limitations. It may offer solace, comfort and even raise a smile.

Dan Geva takes us in a cinematic journey to the recesses of the photographed memory in Chris Marker’s 1960 impressionist film about Israel, ”Description d’un combat” (Description of a Struggle), which won the ‘Golden Bear’ at the 1961 Berlin Festival.

Sivan, the film director, sets out to quit smoking together with his Uncle Jacob, a heavy smoker whose life is in danger.

”Not Far from the Tree” is a funny and moving story about the creation of a family-owned winery and about the unavoidable father-son conflict.

An absurd, brilliant and surreal film about an orthodox Jewish organization and an eccentric mother who lock horns over the remains of her teenage daughter’s body.

Aya, a 32 years old musician, with no boundaries or doubts about her identity as a lesbian, meets Yaelle, a 29 years old multimedia artist and new immigrant to Israel from a conservative French family.

The more Jane was forced to fit within her strict patriarchal Georgian community, the more she resisted. Refusing to marry, she joined the army, studied film, fell in love and at the age of 38 decided to have a baby.

How to get a pair of perfect breasts and stay alive? Zohar Wagners’ journey of survival.