Director: Anneta Papathanasiou
Category: Human Interest / Ethnography / Women / Feminism
Production: Mikis Modianos, Fotini Economopoulou : Modiano SA and with ERT / Greece 2011
Language: Kalashamondr, English, Greek.
Subtitles: English / French
Length: 56 / 80 minutes
In the mountains of Hindu Kush, in Pakistan, among 165 million Muslims, unfolds the unique story of 4,000 Kalasha, an ancient pagan tribe that worships nymphs, gods and fairies. The Kalasha women are strong, lovable and, oddly enough, free. Athanassios Lerounis, the president of the Greek Volunteers NGO who organizes developmental and educational projects in the region, is kidnapped by the Taliban. His abduction fills the Kalasha women with insecurity and fear. How will they cope with this?